Welcome to the Guerilla Muse Podcast with Resmaa. Today I will be interviewing Dr. Bahiyyah Muhammad. She is an Associate Professor of Criminology in the Department of Sociology at Howard University (HU) in the District of Columbia (DC). Dr. Muhammad is also Founding Director for the Higher Education in Prison (HEP) Programming across all three campuses at the university and the HU Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel. To date, Professor Muhammad has spearheaded HEP courses and innovative programs offered through Howard University’s Schools of Law, Divinity, Communications, Fine Arts, and the College of Arts and Sciences. These graduate seminars and undergraduate classes have occurred in partnership with the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), the DC Department of Corrections (DCDOC), the Virginia Department of Corrections (VADOC), and the Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS) detention facilities in Maryland and Washington, DC. To date, approximately one thousand Howard students, alumni, faculty, incarcerated, and formerly incarcerated individuals have participated in classes inside prisons, jails, and detention facilities in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. Under Dr. Muhammad’s leadership, Howard University became the first HBCU to offer award-winning post-secondary education to incarcerated females, males, detained juveniles, and their families, simultaneously.
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