This episode will differ from all the previous in that it has no introduction, no plug for a cause, just an improvised meditation reflective of how crazy life has gotten in such a short time.
From a personal point of view, here's a summary of what my last few days have been like:
Arrive in Germany 8-March.
12-March 03:00 German time, cell phone calls and multiple texts alerting of just announced travel ban from Europe to U.S., mad dash to change flight, pack, get on train, get out of Germany. 22 hours later, get home.
13-March: Notified that, per CDC change that AM (adding Europe to "hot zones" list), I need to "self quarantine" for 14 days.
So, as I am now "social distancing", I figured I'd do some guitar playing and release some anxiety that I'm feeling and, I'm sure, is common and ubiquitous in the world right now.
The music is truly a one-take, live affair of loops, e-bowing, and pitch shifting. No real thought or plan. Just a spur of the moment improvisation.
As this is day 2 of my quarantine, I'll perhaps put out some more and call this "The Self Quarantine Chronicles".
Stay safe out there....and wash your hands.