Jory stumbled into web development from humble roots in rural Oklahoma and has never found her way out. She began her career working on an early open source CMS platform for colleges and universities with her friends (and future partner) while at Oklahoma State University. After earning a degree in Journalism and a Master’s degree in Communication, she developed and taught courses about web development and communication for undergraduate Journalism students.
In 2011, Jory moved to Boston and joined Bocoup to focus on developer education and community efforts. She has contributed to community resources such as, jQuery documentation efforts, Grunt.js,, and to name a few. Following successes in the training business, her role soon expanded to executive leadership of the company. As COO and briefly CEO, she worked to operationalize Bocoup’s mission into their daily work, and stewarded medium- and short-term goals by running daily operations, supporting people at Bocoup through leadership and professional development, and ensuring company-wide participation in the production of Bocoup.
Today, Jory is a consultant and educator for Bocoup Education, focusing on the intersection of open source and standardized web platform technology. She is a She is a member of Ecma International’s Executive Committee, the JS Foundation Technical Architecture Committee, the W3C Advisory Council, and works on projects with Ecma TC39, Ecma TC53, and Web Platform Tests. In her spare time, Jory researches, writes and speaks about the history of standards and the social construction of the web platform.