The Healthy Rebellion Radio

Hair Loss and Sleep Issues, Eating Liver, Carnitine Argument | THRR061

01.15.2021 - By Robb WolfPlay

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Ketosis and Perimenopause; Eating Liver; Protein, Calories, and the Missing Link; Hair Loss and Sleep Issues on Keto; Carnitine and Red Meat Argument with a Doctor Make your health an act of rebellion. Join The Healthy Rebellion Please Subscribe and Review: Apple Podcasts | RSS Submit your questions for the podcast here Show Notes: News topic du jour: Immunological memory to SARS-CoV-2 assessed for up to 8 months after infection POWERPOINT 1. Ketosis and Perimenopause  [21:47] Tammy says: I have been practicing a keto diet leaning toward carnivore for 3+ months. I've been struggling to stay in ketosis (daily blood testing), and have been unable to identify the reasons for my sometimes dramatic swings in glucose and ketone numbers.  I do have "bad food decision" days, but the numbers don't seem to correlate.  I'm middle aged and believe I am perimenopausal.  Could the hormone fluctuations be cause my ketosis struggles? Side note: I'm working with a Naturopath to keep my nutrition focused. Thank you for your time and information! Tammy 2. Eating Liver  [25:55] Valérie says: Hey Robb and Nicki! First I have to say I am so glad to be part of THR. Thanks for all the work you do & content you provide. Here's a bit of background info before I ask my questions: I I have been trying to incorporate more organs in my diet because with all the info out there, it seems like the way to go for optimal health. I also cannot tolerate many veggies (I eat mostly beef, fish, eggs, kimchi, beets, carrots, kefir, some sweet potatoes and honey on occasion) so I worry that I am not getting all the nutrients I need with such a limited array of food choices. I have added bone marrow (which I tolerate well) and liver. Liver, however, does not sit well with me: every time I eat it I feel sick afterwards (not necessarily nauseous, but just an overall feeling of being unwell) and it lasts a few hours. First question: what could be causing this? Second: Is liver all the hype it's been touted out to be? Can I still reach optimal health without incorporating it into my diet.. what do you two suggest? Thanks a million! :-) 3. Protein, Calories, and the Missing Link  [31:23] Lindsey: Hi Nicki and Robb! Love the podcast and the resources on the website. Thanks for providing logical and fair information for people to tap into. Also, Robb--I love it when you use the term "noodling" and am trying to bring it into the everyday vocabulary of my college students (they don't think it's "cool" enough yet.) Quick background info--37 year old female, 5'5", 168lbs, around 34% BF, extremely familiar with Paleo and Keto (even did Paleo-Zone back when it was cool). Strength training 2-3 times a week, HIITs 1-2 times a week, walking every day. Saw Robb speak in Flagstaff, Arizona back in 2008, believe it or not. About a year ago, I became desperate because I wasn't losing fat despite my strict adherence to Paleo. I thought maybe a coach could help me figure out "the key" to whatever I was missing. I decided to grab a Layne Norton coach (low fat, high carb, high protein) who kept lowering my calories and upping my cardio, and wouldn't allow strength training. Even he was surprised at my almost non-existent rate of loss. I ended the program at 1100 calories and about 5lbs lost....which was great, but horribly unsustainable. My body only began losing a tiny bit once I was at or below the 1200 calorie mark. I felt like poop. I've since gained that weight back and have been doing the Paleo/keto lifestyle. I feel better and stronger, but I am uncomfortable with the fat accumulation. I feel like I'm back at square one and none the better for it. My question centers on fat loss and its relationship to protein and overall calories. You've both said that oftentimes the key to fat loss is protein intake (1g per pound of body weight). However, If my body only loses at very low calorie 1000-1200 a day, but I need to eat 150g of protein a day, that doesn't leave much room for anything else. What am I missing here? Why is my body so hell-bent on keeping that body fat? I was told by the former coach that I may just need to suffer at low calorie/high protein until I reach my goals, but I don't think it should be this difficult or I should have to run my body into the ground to fit into my jeans again. I'm not trying to be a swimsuit competitor, just want to be a bit leaner and stronger while seeing steady fat loss improvements. Don't even care about the number on the scale. Quick note--I've been out of that LN program for about 9 months. I haven't been eating like an asshat and have tried several times to lose fat and keep my calories down, but all I seem to do is gain. I'm a wee bit frustrated because the fat used to fall off when I while eating Paleo between 25-35 years old. Thanks for your considerations! 4. Hair Loss and Sleep Issues on Keto  [40:03] Bre says: Hi Robb and Nicki, I absolutely LOVE your podcast. I credit you both to literally changing my health and the health of my family. I found your podcast when I was in a very desperate health place. Through your advice and books, I have found healing, vitality, and freedom. Thank you so much! I pray you keep doing what you are doing for a very long time. Some quick context before asking my two questions: I am a 43 year old female. 5 foot 4, and 150 lbs. I am moderatley active - walk a few miles a day, weightlift a few times a week. But I do work at a desk all day as well. I had thyroid cancer and a full thyroidectomy 10 years ago. I have taken synthroid and cytomel since. My endocrinologist aims to keep my TSH pretty suppressed to keep risk of returning cancer low, so he has kept me between a  .1 - 1.0 for the last ten years. Before finding the Keto/Carnivore diet a year ago, I felt like I was dying and not a single doctor could help me. Turns out, I was just a hormonal storm with insulin resistance/leptin resistance, etc. For the last year, I have strictly followed a clean Keto diet, mostly consisting of eggs, beef, ground turkey, bone broth, and greek yogurt with the occasional salad or some berries. My macros are consistently: 70 g protein,  50 g fat, 10 g carbs. (after a decade of eating around 1200 calories (non-keto), I have needed to keep my total calories at or around 900-1000 in order to lose. If I go any higher, I just don't lose. I am 5lbs away from hitting my 50lb weight loss goal! But most importantly, I feel amazing for the first time since having my thyroid out. My skin is great, my energy is off the charts, I no longer have GI issues, and my moods and cycles have stabilized. Overall, I feel like a million bucks (except for two little issues) My questions are: 1) - my sleep sucks. I sleep super light, feel like I can never get into a deep sleep, and wake up several times a night, often not being able to fall back asleep. Up until going Keto, I had never suffered with sleep issues. I take NED's sleep CBD, do blue light blocking glasses at night, no screen time, etc. I have a great bed and make my room pitch black (also use Blueblox's sleep mask). No matter what I do, I just can't sleep deep. I am desperate to sleep deep and through the night again, help! 2) - my hair is falling out at concerning speed. Also something I feel has been triggered by my diet. I take Perfect Keto's Collagen, and I take Biotomizer's magnesium, zinc, and vitamin b complex. Is there anything else I can add in to the supplement mix to help with this? I should mention, because sleep and hair loss can be thryoid level issues, I did just get my levels checked. They are right where they have always been for the last few years (except free T3 was a little lower than normal). Here's my results from last week: TSH: .2 Free T4: 1.16 Free T3: 2.75 Fasting Blood Sugar: 77 Can you help? Like I said, I am desperate to sleep again. Thank you! Bre 5. Carnitine and Red Meat Argument with a Doctor  [45:45] Haley says: Hey Robb and Nicki, Thanks for all the awesome information you put out there, I have listening for several years now. Started when I was in school to become a dietitian and glad I did to realize that a lot of the info being taught and pushed on us was unfortunately out dated. Now I am currently working in a community health center where I work closely with the doctors who send me referrals and unfortunately sometimes feel as though I have to work within the box of their nutrition beliefs. The other day I was discussing the Impossible burger with one of the doctors. I argued against it saying it was just processed food and I would MUCH rather someone eat the real thing and actually get some real nutrition from it. He felt differently arguing that red meat was one of the worst things you could eat because of the carnitine. Unfortunately he didn't really seem open to a discussion about it as he was set ins beliefs but I was curious what some of the points you would maybe make to convince him red meat is not the poison he is convinced it is. Thanks! Sponsor: The Healthy Rebellion Radio is sponsored by our electrolyte company, LMNT. Have you tried LMNT electrolytes yet? If not, this is the time to do it. Until January 31st, 2021 you can get a FREE 8 count sample pack (just pay shipping!). You’ll get: 2 sticks each of citrus salt, raspberry, orange, and RAW unflavored. Click here to get your free LMNT sample pack

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