Wassssup wit it! We've missed yall! Checking back in after Summer Break
with one of our recurring guests, De'Andre Gibbs! He has an awesome new
update in the formation of his outreach initiative, Elevated Pinnacles
Mentorship. The mentorship is a private, specialized journey, meant to
aid in obtaining financial success/goals, provide direction, and
increase self-improvement levels. You have the option of scheduling an
hourly consultation, a 6 week mentorship as a youth, or up to a 12 week
We are super excited to see the success of this enriching program and
what's next for Gibbs.
China & Ruth
Gibbs' socials, Tap in!:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/king_gibbs23/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elevatedpinnaclesment
Twitter: kinggibbs23
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