Dr. Angel Iscovich, “Dr. I” was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina to survivors from World War II. Growing up in the shadow of this devastating conflict, he and his family struggled financially with little to call their own. As a young immigrant to the United States, a world of opportunity led him to explore Philosophy and Medicine. Graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from the University of Puget Sound brought him to the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine, and post graduate training in Psychiatry, and his interest in Human Behavior; most notably the focus Emergency Medicine. He served as a part-time teacher and mentor as Associate Clinical Professor at USC Keck School of Medicine over a period of ten years at Los Angeles County Medical Center. Interest in leadership, organizational development, and strategy was exercised in the corporate health care sector over many years, as well as in philanthropy, serving most recently as the Chair of Direct Relief, the top-rated charity in the United States. This broad experience affords Dr. I with a unique view into human behavior, aiding in his continual search for meaning and purpose in our lives. He is the author of the book Routineology.