Ideally, nobody needs to beg of God as He is well aware of all our requirements. Still, if we feel desirous of anything, we need not even hesitate to implore Him. Desires are natural to living beings and if these bring us into contact with God, we ought to appreciate them. However, one should be firm regarding two things- making demands on his Idol (Isht) only and second is to resolutely believe that He is our supreme well-wisher. Almighty is capable of doing anything in all His forms but when we beseech Him particularly, it establishes an affinity with Him. On that basis, a devotee goes to the extent of saying that despite knowing about desire being a taboo in devotion, he welcomes it as an opportunity to strengthen his faith. Moreover, when we take His every kind of response (fullfilling our demand or not) to be a means of our overall betterment, it helps us to heartily accept the upcoming situation as a part of His Divine play. Gradually, we learn to let the things happen instead of trying to make them happen and reach the stage of desirelessness (Nishkamta). This is well projected in an anecdote about Devarshi Narad. As he was mistaken by the beauty of a princess, he wished to marry her. So he asked His Lord, Shri Narayana to quickly 'do whatever is good for him'. Accordingly, Lord did not grant his wish because the transient attraction would have violated his perpetual vow of celibacy. Realizing this fact later, Narad Muni felt repented for his attitude and the incident gave a boost to his spiritual commitment. Many of the verses in Shri RamCharitManas guide us about what is to be actually sought from Divinity as Lord Shiva too says "I repeatedly beg of You to always bless me with constant devotion to Your lotus feet and association of saints." So we should try to be pleading for just one thing- God's love as this one fulfillment puts an end to all the other wants and life becomes really easy.