Anna Rova is creator of the CLAIMED program - where she helps women who have struggled in relationships attract their committed masculine man.
She uses principles of feminine embodiment and polarity which are largely excluded from other forms of relationship support/therapy.
She has interviewed hundreds of men in her own quest to better understand the male perspective and experience which is also brought into her teachings.
I met Anna through our teacher Jenna at the School of Embodied Arts, and have been continually impressed by how supportive her wisdom is for women who struggle in dating & relationships.
I also of course love that Feminine Embodiment is a key aspect of what she does. ;)
You may have also seen her interview on Elephant Journal earlier this year.
She lives in Byron Bay, Australia with her husband and two little ones.
**This interview happened end of June 2021, before I took some much needed time off. Since then Anna has had her new little baby! Congratulations Anna! ******
If you want to find out more about Anna go to: or check out her podcast
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* How to know what your fuck yes and fuck no *feel like*
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