The episode will focus on the topic of trans and queer safety on college campuses, shedding light on the issues of discrimination and violence faced by these students. According to a report by Human Rights Watch, titled "Walking Through the Hailstorm: Discrimination Against LGBT Youth in US Schools," LGBTQ students face significant challenges in school environments, including harassment, bullying, and violence. The report notes that 85% of LGBTQ students have experienced verbal harassment, 58% have experienced physical harassment, and 28% have experienced physical assault. Moreover, LGBTQ students are also more likely to experience exclusion and isolation from their peers and teachers.
The podcast will delve into the efforts to create safe and inclusive environments for all students, with a particular focus on the initiatives and policies that colleges can implement to address these issues. This could include the creation of LGBTQ resource centers, the adoption of inclusive policies and practices, and the training of staff and faculty on LGBTQ issues. The discussion will also touch on the importance of allyship and support from the broader campus community in fostering a safe and inclusive environment for trans and queer students.