Week 13 Session 51 Thursday
Dan Mohler has been preaching the Gospel for many years. The Truth he preaches comes from a life lived in intimate communion with Holy Spirit. Out of that place Holy Spirit equips the body with the life changing Truth that he teaches. See Pastor Dan Mohler's website at www.neckministries.com
- How do you cope with a negative or cerebral family?
- What do you do when someone just doesn't want to listen?
- What about someone who is always quick to say, "I don't believe that?
- What about these passages that seem to contradict love? (Ananias & Sapphira - Acts 5:1-11, Herod eaten by worms - Acts 12, Alexander the coppersmith - 2 Timothy 4:14, False teachers and their destruction - 2 Peter 2, Not praying for some - 1 John 5:16, Elymas - son of the devil - be blind for a time - Acts 13:6-12, Paul - struck blind - Acts 9:8, Jezebel in the church - Revelation 2:20-25)
- Have I blasphemed the Holy Spirit - the unpardonable sin?
- Issue with a brother - Is it healthy not to talk to anyone other than God and the person?
- What is the role of "works"? What's the difference between "being to do" and "doing to be"?