If you or a family member have problems with Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, or thyroid problems, you need to listen closely.
Plus, you may even find a way to avoid the flu and colds.
If you want the specifics about this secret – which is low dose Naltrexone – then go to our website which is healthcare secrets podcast dot-com and check out the blog posting. We direct you to links for even more info.
Jud, you write about this low-cost revelation in your book, The Big Book of Healthcare Secrets. And our guest is the medical expert who gave you this healthcare secret – that you benefit from -- called LDN.
Let’s spell it for you. It is low dose Naltrexone which is spelled N-A-L-T-R-E-X-O-N-E. It looks like NAL-TREX-OWN. Take the time to do some research. But first listen here.
So let’s meet the man behind this revelation.
Paul Battle is a physician assistant who combines both traditional and non-traditional medical treatment to maximize patient health.
He has more than 30 years of physiology, medical and surgical experience. He obtained national certification by the American Academy of Antiaging Medicine in 2010.