Whether your goal is to lower your blood pressure, improve your cholesterol or both, we have 6 tips to improve your heart health in under 30 days. The Healthy Living Team offers shopping and eating tips and a few lifestyle changes that are easy to achieve and will have lasting benefits that you (and your heart) will love.
Show Notes:
Heart Disease | Heart Disease | CDC
8 Things You Can Do to Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke | American Heart Association
Heart disease prevention: Strategies to keep your heart healthy - Mayo Clinic
Help! I Want to Quit Smoking! | American Heart Association
Healthy Living | Giant
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Tips to Love Your heart
· Tip 1: Practice Preventive Care: Regular doctor appointments, take medication as ordered, stay up to date on vaccines
· Tip 2: Avoid Smoking: The risk of heart disease starts to drop in as little as a day after quitting.
· Tip 3: Maintain an Active Lifestyle: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week.
· Tip 4: Pay Attention to Your (Waist) Weight: The risk of heart disease is higher if the waist measurement is greater than 40 inches for men or 35 inches for women.
· Tip 5: Reduce your Sodium Intake – DASH DIET & Mediterranean Diet
· Tip 6: Add Healthy Fats and Fiber to Reduce Cholesterol.