Just a few months ago, the end of December to be exact, I brought forward an idea to host a podcast towards my tutors at University. Since then, I have always found an excuse to back away or delay as frankly, I was scared and completely out of my comfort zone.
Not only will this podcast hopefully help teenagers, but also me to be more confidence in this particular side of the industry. At first my voice might sound nervous and quiet, but hopefully as time progresses, I will have broken them walls that have hinder me my whole life.
So many teenagers have aspirations about going on to do their dream job in the future, but like myself, I always found it difficult to motivate myself when times get hard or an obstacle appears.
However, 18-25 years old have found success in doing what they love, and I want this podcast to chat with these people about how they got to where they're today. To inspire and showcase teenagers or younger that you can find a route no matter how tough time gets.