You've just met..the most AMAZING person. They seem to just really "get" you, like no one ever has!! They're funny and charming... you just love being around them!! This person is super friendly and outgoing, listens to what you have to say.. gives you the attention you always longed for.. maybe they even give you sweet little thoughtful gifts. Whether a romance or friendship.. you're in absolute heaven!! You've never been happier!!
Then one day.. there's a sudden shift. They're avoiding you. You heard rumors that you hope aren't true. They act like YOU slighted THEM and you literally have no idea what you did, although rumors abound, full of lies or partial truths, in their favor. You were love bombed like there was no tomorrow and with one cold still blow, out of the blue, you were treated like the enemy. With no warning. Maybe even ghosted.
You will likely never know what you really did wrong. Why?
Because you didn't do anything. Congratulations... you've just met a dark empath. You've been used, abused, lied to and manipulated for whatever means they were looking for, and they either got what they wanted.. or didn't. There is no winning with a person like this. And you are not alone.
Tune in to learn how to recognize a dark empath, very similar to a narcissist, and how to deal with them in your life. If you think you know one, or possibly are one.. check this one out. โค๐