Unpacking Myself

HEART VS MIND | The biggest issue humanity might be facing right now is people seeing the world solely through their minds and not their hearts. Why this is important and how to spot this in yourself and others.

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I heard someone say this line recently - that seeing the world solely through our minds might be the biggest issue humanity is facing right now. This caught my attention because it feels like it is getting to the crux of the many issues we are facing in the world today. I can spot moments where I’m leaning towards the mind more so than the heart - and the correlation to suffering and challenges is quite interesting. The mind plays an important role but it is also something that feeds the ego. I dive into this in an effort to better understand myself, others and the world today. Listen in so you can be aware the next time you are living through your mind versus heart.

Want to unpack a topic or something you are going through with me? Send me a message: www.unpackingmyself.com


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Unpacking MyselfBy Neha Patel

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