On July 18th, 2019, Asha Frost wrote a letter that, as she says, “has been in my bones and blood and cells for a very long time.” That letter, which Asha titled “Dear White Woman who wants to be like me,” was shared over 20,000 times by people around the world.
When I asked Asha to be a part of season two of the Soul Sessions podcast, she told me that she wanted to discuss the after effects of writing this article, having it subsequently go viral, and having an influx of thousands of people flood into her private Facebook community.
This episode is deep, intense, and ripe with healing. Here are a few of the topics we traverse:
Why Asha wrote her viral letter “Dear white woman who want to be like me”
How Asha handled over 2,000 new people joining her community in a very short amount of time + how she reclaimed that space
The after-effects of sharing something so incredibly vulnerable + how she dealt with backlash as a sensitive soul
How to hold space for someone who is sharing something so vulnerable
Committing to the inner work of doing the work to dismantle our internalized white supremacy and racism
How to tap into your unique medicine
The essence of this episode commands your attention, in large part because we are holding a space for the topic of intergenerational and racial trauma. I invite you to join us in giving this episode the care and attention it requires. When discomfort, anger, rage sadness, or grief arises with you, do not turn away from it. Turn your being towards it. Feel it. Feel it all. Feeling these emotions up-and-out of us is part of our responsibility in healing ourselves and co-creating a world in which all people are truly free to be who they are.
Resources Mentioned in this Episode:
Read Asha’s letter here: https://ashafrost.com/dearwhitewoman/
Join Asha’s Sacred Medicine Circle on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ashafrost/
Join Asha’s Sacred membership here: https://sacredmembership.com/
Follow Asha on Instaram here: https://www.instagram.com/asha.frost/