E7: The Lord's Day. What does it mean?
Let's look at what the Bible has to say about this day. Is it a specific day? On this episode, we will explore the meanings this expression has, all according to the Bible. Let's allow the Bible to explain itself, independently of traditions that may have started after the message was written.
We've all heard the expression the Lord's day, and we may assume what the answer is because of what has been passed on to us. But does what we believe match what we read in the Bible? What day do you believe is the Lord's day? Sunday? Saturday? The end of the world? And when is the Sabbath day? Is eschatology part of the Lord's day?
Come do this bible study with me, where we dive deep in the book of Revelation.
I will see you on the next episode!
Today's study text: https://bit.ly/3bWuKMN
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