In today's episode, we will quickly be going over how to invite more flow into your daily routine:
First, focus on your priorities and minimize distractions. Distractions can be placed into two categories. The first is external distractions such as your child knocking on the door, or an email that sets off a notification. Recognize that these distractions cannot always be avoided.
The second category is self-imposed distractions, such as negative thoughts, and feelings that take us out of flow. These unhelpful thoughts create barriers in our flow that can hinder our progress. When these thoughts start to arise, it is best to take a break and do something that brings light to your life.
Another way to invite flow is focusing on your priorities. These priorities can also be separated into two categories.
Priorities that bring excitement and joy to your life and priorities that pull you out of the present moment.
The priorities that pull you out of the present moment may be priorities of someone else and they may build resentment. It is important to remember that when dealing with these priorities, you can either choose to integrate them with love into your life or you can delegate them to create space for different priorities.
Bring awareness to those priorities that pull you out of the state of flow. An example might be cooking. Cooking takes time and intentional effort, not to mention the clean up that comes after. But when I think of cooking, I also think of how fun the process is for me to cook a nutritional meal for myself and my family and therefore, I choose to integrate it.
But, if cooking doesn't bring a sense of satisfaction to your life, then it's perfectly okay to delegate this task.
One last way to invite flow into your daily life is to identify the creative elements of your day. Think of what your ideal day would be and start to get creative in the way you integrate the fun into your daily life. Allow yourself to have more fun. Release expectations and go play however your inner child sees fit.
In this episode:
-Categorizing distractions
-Categorizing priorities
-Deciding to integrate or delegate
-Inviting play back into your life