*** Due to technical difficulties, we had to cut this episode short and edit out a good amount of material. Regardless, we didn't want to miss a week so we're putting out the content we were able to put together. And we apologize as the content is scattered and we are pretty much all over the place as far as topics go on this one, but we still felt the material is good and want ya'll to hear it ***
This episode opens with a candid debate on the difference between a "few" and "several", "The Story of Adidon" (5:18), the "Ye" album review (38:28), Asthma Rap (43:05), Buffalo Wild Wings Twitter Hacked (53:30) and we jump into some deeper topics (relationships & heartbreaks) plus "Why do we change how we talk for a job interview?" (1:28:27). Again, we apologize for the ideas being everywhere and the content being cut short due to issues we had while recording but we didn't want to not put an episode out. So without further ado, Episode 8 "Several" live, One Time 4 Your Mind.
We appreciate ya'll, listen or don't - love regardless