Welcome, welcome, welcome, you are going to love our latest intrapreneur in-conversation on the Her Career Pod. Today we’ve spoken to the inimitable Maddy Westbrook, a woman whose ambition and career achievements didn’t come without taking some huge risks and pushing through challenges in her childhood. Maddy’s story of building her successful corporate career at Duco, managing $20 million budgets, suing one of the world’s biggest celebrity chefs, and pulling off New Zealand's biggest sporting events, to leaving it all for a new life, in a beachside town in Australia, is JUST.SO.CAPTIVATING! We discuss what it was like for her at 24 and being taken seriously as a young woman in the business of sport, negotiating health retreats into packages, and trusting the universe had her back.
Maddy’s path to success isn’t linear and her story will give you insight into her contagious growth mindset and the steps she took to find her dream role in Australia as General Manager of the Dr Libby Group. She’s been a pivotal, behind the scenes player in building that business into one of Australasia’s leading health and wellness brands, including 13 # 1 best selling books, a well-recognised nutritional supplement range, online courses and sold out events.
Despite all of her great career success, Maddy is such a humble and generous person and has the type of attitude you just want to be around all the time. We’re incredibly fortunate to actually have her as one of our Her Career mentors. We hope you enjoy getting to know this vivacious human and all her wisdom as much as we did.
Just a quick note here, this is an occasional clicking sound the first 10 mins of this recording. Push past it and enjoy the episode!
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