Join Community Herbalist Samwise Raridon and Clinical Herbalist, Death Doula and Ritualist Lauren Roellig for a deep dive into an important tree across many cultures, the Oak Tree. Lauren shares about her experience deepening her relationship to Oak through recognizing Sudden Oak Death and helping to heal the trees in her region. Together we reflect on themes like how vital real justice is for healing our world and the trees that sustain it.
You can find out more about Lauren's work and book a session to work with her individually and collectively at
The Disability Justice book we mention in the episode is called The Future is Disabled by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Here are some of the organizations and projects we mention in the episode:
Keepers of the Flame Project (actually UC Davis, not UC Berkeley):
TREKS prescribed fire training exchanges
Karuk Tribe Cultural Burns and Climate Change Project
Donating to the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust
Indian canyon is the only federally recognized native lands from Sonoma to the coast of Santa Barbara in California.[1] The land hosts many ceremonies and oak tending workshops - recently they had a major flooding with the storms - and there’s a gofundme for donations.
Social Forestry and Siskiyou Permaculture, Hazel Ward - theyve just put out a book called Tending the Land as People of Place
Go wild institute Jolie Egret Elan - fire mimicry
The painting in the cover art for this episode is the painting that Samwise mentions in the show, and is called "Saint Boniface Felling the Sacred Oak" by Christian Wilhelm Ernst Diedrich (created about 1750 - 1770)
Music Credit: "Change" by Big Thief, a song I have been listening to on repeat these days
Herb at the End of the World is created by Samwise Raridon, community herbalist, teacher and organizer of germanic, celtic and Lebanese lineages living as a guest in unceded Shawnee, Osage, Ofo and Mesopelea (otherwise known as Adena and Hopewell) land, colonially known as Athens, Ohio.
This podcast will always be offered freely. If you’re inspired by this work and want to support others in accessing healing and learning, please consider joining us as a patron on Patreon. If you are inspired by this work please leave us a five star review wherever you listen to podcasts so more people can find out about these resources!
Have you seen this awesome video of our clinical work? Big big thanks to Em Harger for producing this magical short film.
Sam’s Website: