Share Here For More Podcast: Personal Development & Mindset Growth for Eco Entrepreneurs
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By Natalie Kraus
The podcast currently has 77 episodes available.
Maybe when you were young you heard that it was important to eat your fruits and vegetables. But what if… fruits & vegetables were the ONLY foods that you ate?
If you’re listening to this in November of 2021, you may have noticed more and more brands hopping on “plant-based” and “vegan” trends. What’s that all about? Is it just another trend? Or could this truly be something life (and planet) changing?
Plant-Based Chef Lena Ropp shares with us the power within a lifestyle that is not only fully vegan, but also raw. Lena’s been following a raw vegan diet for the past 7.5 years, along with her husband, children, and even their dog!
It turns out there’s quite a bit of misinformation on nutritional advice out there. While this is by no means a conclusive guide to nutrition, it certainly sheds a lot of light on the food industry and the power of plants.
Topics we touch on:
Learn more about Lena:
We still have a few spots left for our Surf & Yoga Wellness Retreat this December! Check out the details here:
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Are your sustainability practices sustainable? Not just in terms of how they impact the planet, but how they impact YOU!
Living “sustainably”, “eco-friendly”, and “zero-waste” are so trendy at the moment, but the reality is that these terms are so much bigger than a short-term trend. These are practices that, if they can become a normal part of our daily lives, will have an enormous impact on the planet!
So, how do we do that? By adopting practices that feel good to us on an individual level. If it doesn’t resonate with you, will you really stick with it? Probably not.. which means, it’s not very sustainable!
This is just one of the topics we talk about today with sustainability blogger, Miah Ké-leigh. Miah, joining us from across the globe in the Netherlands, sat down to talk about her journey creating content in the sustainability space and more.
One of my favorite takeaways from this episode is applicable to everyone, but especially those of us that love the outdoors. Miah says, “You'll start to realize how much the earth actually impacts your hobbies and lifestyle. And if you take care of it, you don't actually have to give anything up.” For us to continue to enjoy nature and do the sports we love, taking care of the environment is just a given! Sustainable living doesn’t have to be overly complicated. And certainly we ALL can make a positive impact.
Other topics we touch on:
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We still have a few spots left for our Surf & Yoga Wellness Retreat this December! Check out the details here:
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“Take it one day at a time and just ask yourself, what do I have the capacity to lean into today? Find my edge. And see if you could push it a little bit. I call it pushing your edge, but not your buttons.”
“Abundance is a birthright that we're all entitled to, without it becoming entitlement.” - Daniel Mangena
Dan Mangena is a black entrepreneur, philanthropist, and author of the wildly popular book ‘Money Game’, a wealth manifestation guide.
Background wise, at the age of 27, Dan was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome which changed his life forever. By the age of 23, Dan had earned (and lost) 2 multi-million-dollar fortunes!
With this new transformation, he was able to create a four-step system called the Beyond Intention Paradigm to help people struggling with dark thoughts.
Topics we touch on:
Learn more about Dan & connect with him here:
We still have a few spots left for our Surf & Yoga Wellness Retreat this December! Check out the details here:
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It’s my birthday!! I love getting older and the things I talk about in this episode are exactly why.
Other than this episode marking my 26th circle around the sun, this will also (probably) be my last solo episode for the rest of 2021! I know, I can’t believe it either. Tune in as I share 26 things I’ve learned in the past 26 years, as well as more about what’s next for me & Here For More Podcast. Here’s to another year come & gone, and a new one to look forward to 🥳
Before you go! We still have 4 SPOTS left for our December Surf & Yoga Wellness Retreat! No surf or yoga experience necessary, just a good attitude & a high level of stoke. Details here:
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“Rest is not a luxury, it is essential… Our mission is to teach people how they can improve the quality of their lives while they're learning to walk more gently on the planet. So this shouldn't be some extreme sacrifice. This should feel good. It should feel expansive. You should feel this kind of freedom. “ - Stephanie Lentz
Stephanie Lentz, founder & CEO of zero-waste grocery store Scoop Marketplace, joins us today to share the realities of starting and growing a sustainable business. Sustainability, as Stephanie defines it, is more than protecting and preserving the planet - it’s just as much about taking care of yourself.
Topics covered:
Stephanie’s bio (via Scoop Marketplace website):
Stephanie grew up in the Seattle area and enjoys exploring the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest. She has always chosen to follow her passion, and for many years that meant working with kids, teaching baking/cooking classes, catering for friends' parties, becoming a certified dance fitness instructor, and dabbling in performing arts. After becoming a mom, Stephanie took a particular interest in how her family's daily habits were impacting the planet, and after a bit of research, she realized it was time to make some drastic lifestyle changes. Stephanie created Scoop Marketplace out of a need for a grocery store that aligned with her family values. She is thankful to have an opportunity to bring her passion and skill together by teaching people how to live more sustainably and take intentional action to build the world they want to live in.
Connect with Stephanie & discover Scoop Marketplace:
Book mentioned: Bare, by Susan Hyatt
We still have a few spots left for our Surf & Yoga Wellness Retreat this December! Check out the details here:
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“Building wealth is not the same as making money. You don’t want to be the richest man in the graveyard.” - Craig Schulze
Craig is a global thought leader from Australia who has experienced the extreme heartache of losing his son Ethan stillborn. His breakthrough from the grief and suffering allowed him to amplify all areas of life to make the most of his one shot at life.
In this episode, we cover:
Craig is a speaker who has spoken all over the world to audiences of up to 15,000 people. He is the author of You’ve Got One Shot and host of the One Shot Movement Podcast, where he interviews all the biggest entrepreneurs and sports stars to hear their inspiring stories.
His vision and mission are to inspire and educate people to make the most of their one shot at life by living with passion and purpose.
Connect with Craig at:
We still have a few spots left for our Surf & Yoga Wellness Retreat this December! Check out the details here:
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Are you cycle smart? Regardless of whether you identify with having a menstrual cycle or not, this episode holds SO much value for YOU! Why? Because chances are - you know someone who does have a menstrual cycle, and this information is LIFE CHANGING.
Maddie Miles is an integrative health practitioner, hormone guru, and founder of Peace Love Hormones. Having been diagnosed with many illnesses caused her hormone imbalance, but her education in integrative medicine helped her find something that suits her best. In this episode, she tells what factors affect a woman’s menstrual cycle and how to work around them.
The Intricacies of Female Hormones
Menstruation is something every woman goes through monthly, and it affects everything. A woman’s metabolism, mood, creativity, social skills, libido, and fertility can all be traced back to their hormones. However, menstruation is not the same for everyone; premenopausal women do not experience the same as menopausal women. The problem is the lack of normalcy in discussions, so women are often left to their own devices to manage their hormones. Sex education classes are also not very extensive in terms of the menstrual cycle. This is the reason why Maddie is so passionate about helping women. From her own experience, she also struggled to find a way to work around her period. Her background in integrative medicine greatly benefitted her and eventually made her decide to become a hormone guru.
Taboo and Stigma
Many people feel awkward and shy away from conversations around menstruation. The discussion is often brushed off as something inappropriate when in actuality, it is not. Due to this fact, many are very uninformed when a woman experiences her period, especially men. Worse, they dismiss it as women trying to escape whatever they are doing when the truth is their hormones are making them suffer. Maddie made it her life’s mission to educate as many people as possible, both men and women. She envisions a future where everyone understands that menstruation is a normal function in a woman’s body. Maddie believes that with the right education, women can take full control of their hormones.
About Maddie Miles:
Maddie Miles is the founder and CEO of PLH, a brand that educates and empowers menstruators to take back control of their health through education and top-quality supplements.
Maddie created PLH after going through the wringer with her health. She was diagnosed with anxiety, depression, insomnia, anorexia, and even Lyme Disease during her young adult life. Maddie was able to heal her body, spirit, and mind naturally, and now it is her mission to help others do the same.
Outline of the Episode:
[01:40] A brief background about Maddie
[08:36] Maddie’s canceled TED Talk due to COVID
[10:02] Hormones affect everything, and education is a must
[14:14] Phases of menstrual cycles explained and simplified
[22:37] Taboo around the topic of menstruation
[30:04] Everything is connected and indicative of overall well-being
[35:46] Maddie’s entrepreneurial journey as a hormone guru
[41:00] What Maddie does to get back on track when out of the flow
[43:22] About Peace Love Hormones
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Surf and Yoga Wellness Retreat Details:
There’s something in your life that’s just… fine. Some days, it's actually pretty good. But you can’t get rid of the nagging feeling that there’s something missing. You’re craving more. You feel stuck. You’re hesitant to give up your “safety net” (i.e. your current job, relationship, home, etc.) because what you have now is safe. You know how it all works. Even if it’s not totally fulfilling, it’s comfortable. Crisis averted. But…
What if your “safety net” is actually the EXACT thing keeping you in a creative drought? What if giving it up meant that you would now have space to allow something else in… dare I say, something better?
We have a limited capacity for how much we can hold in our brains. Getting rid of something creates fresh space for creative energy and new opportunities to be let in.
Easier said than done, right? Stepping into the unknown is scary and uncomfortable. And yet, it’s often there that the most growth occurs.
Can you allow yourself to be uncomfortable long enough to discover something you never knew about yourself? Or for an opportunity to present itself that you never knew was possible for you?
You will never know what could be next for you if you don’t have the space to make that choice. When you no longer have a fallback option, you are forced to grow. You MUST make a choice. No matter what - you’re moving forward.
Tune in to hear my personal experience with this and how I’m growing through it!
Connect with Natalie!
Surf and Yoga Wellness Retreat Details:
You don’t have to be a Fortune 500 business owner to begin to outsource. In fact, you don’t even need to HAVE a business! Are you a busy person? Great - then outsourcing may be a total game-changer for you.
Entrepreneurs will always have an ego; that’s why they go in their own ways and have the guts to do it. But that ego can get in the way of productivity and progress. How? Today, in Here for More, Rachel Luther of Check Off Your List (COYL) joins us to explain that problem. Rachel will help us understand what outsourcing is, how one can determine what they need to outsource, who outsourcing is for, and the benefits outsourcing gives to someone’s life. As an entrepreneur herself, for Rachel, managing multiple business areas shouldn’t fall under one hat alone. Sometimes, you losing control of things might just be what your business needs.
Learn more about the business in outsourcing in this episode of Here for More Podcast with guest Rachel Luther!
When outsourcing, where do you start?
As a mother, a wife, and a businesswoman, having more than usual for a day’s work is a typical scenario for Rachel. This means she starts her day very early in the morning and ends it around eleven at night. Rachel does this for days and weeks, and a lot can relate to this kind of setting. For some, it can cause a ‘break’ in some aspects of their life. What’s even more unideal is when it starts to affect work. For Rachel, when the overwhelm starts settling in, that’s when you need to evaluate your flow. She goes back to her to-do list. By assessing the things she needs to accomplish and prioritize out of her list, Rachel gets to spend time examining the things that require the most among her many priorities. If something is getting put off for way too long, that can help raise questions. Can you do this now? How long is this going to take? Do you need to outsource more? Or do you maybe need to say “no” to some things? Going back to your list, your priorities, and really giving yourself time to dissect each task that you need to finish will help you gain the clarity over this overwhelm that will get you.
Hear more tips from Rachel Luther regarding outsourcing in this episode of Here for More Podcast!
About Rachel Luther:
Rachel Luther is an entrepreneur who was a virtual assistant before people knew what the term meant. After spending the last 10+ years growing her VA business from a one-woman show to a team of talented professionals providing all areas of back-office virtual support, Rachel is divulging her secrets to success, covering work/life balance, strategies for outsourcing, remote work, and everything in between. Rachel is often asked, ‘can you be an entrepreneur and still have it all?’ The answer is a resounding ‘yes,’ and her podcast, Checking Off Your List with Rachel Luther, tells you how.
Outline of the Episode:
[02:46] Rachel Luther on being a virtual assistant before it was a thing…
[04:27] The situation where entrepreneurs often are during startups.
[08:19] About the 80-20 Rule in starting up a business.
[12:09] How can our personal preference get in the way?
[16:14] What is (COYL) Check Off Your List?
[20:26] What do you need to outsource?
[23:34] Outsourcing allows you to give yourself to the things that really matter to you.
[27:51] Going back to your to-do list is where you determine what that is
[37:42] Can you afford to outsource?
[42:10] You can outsource in so many ways!
Also, read The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich, Book by Timothy Ferriss:
Connect with Here for More Podcast and Natalie Kraus on:
Join us December 11-18th in Troncones, Mexico, for our Surf and Yoga Wellness Retreat! For details and registration:
“Your busy-ness is legitimate, but there could be a way to live your life a little more intentionally” - NK (a.k.a... me!)
I'm back with another solo episode and we're diving into intentional living, inspired by Tim Ferriss' book, The 4-Hour Workweek. I get it! You’re busy. Our culture THRIVES on us being busy. But are we filling our time with things we actually NEED to be doing? Could someone else do them for us? Could we just get rid of some things altogether? My guess is... YES.
We so often do things (go to school, choose a career, start a family, etc.) because that’s what makes sense. That’s what we’re “supposed” to do. But are these things that are best serving YOU? Maybe… but maybe not.
Ask yourself these questions:
What does the very BEST version of your life look like? Where are you? What are you doing? Who are you with? How do you spend your time? What are you excited about?
What if you could only work 2 hours per day? Where would you scale back?
What if you won the lottery? What would you do with all that free time now that you don’t have to work for financial security?
This episode dives into all this and MORE. Tune in to learn about intentional living and how it can help you design the life YOU want to live.
Connect with Natalie!
Surf and Yoga Wellness Retreat Details:
The podcast currently has 77 episodes available.