MICROBIOME: Emily Davenport, assistant professor of biology at Penn State, visits Nate and Sam in the newly-revamped studio to talk sh*t. Well, sort of. Emily studies the human microbiome, how it evolved, and how it is related to human health. So, what is the microbiome? What kind of organisms make up our microbiome? How come it seems to be in the news so much lately? And, should we take probiotics?
Links to Emily's work:
- @emo_davenport on Twitter - https://twitter.com/emo_davenport
- Emily's Website - davenport-lab.github.io
Links to the Eberly College of Science:
- Eberly College of Science Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PennStateScience
- Eberly College of Science Twitter - https://twitter.com/PSUScience
- Eberly College of Science Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pennstatescience
- Eberly College of Science Website - http://science.psu.edu/