Wake Up! those who slumber, those who sleep. Arise! Shine! for thy light has come. Through this broadcast I am sounding the alarm, I am blowing the trumpet on God's Holy Mountain - His church.
You must wake up and realize what time it is. God is speaking to the church to wake up, to pay attention. Many are asleep if though they are drunk, in a stupor. Wake up! This is a time of Unprecedented Favor for the body of Christ. God is doing some things in a way He has never done before. Don't miss out because you are not paying attention. He said to us this morning, that we are to be "in a state of readiness." A mind that is willingly, determined to be obedient to whatever God is saying to do. You must trust Him as never before because He is either doing something or going to do something in your life that you have never experienced before.
You must have a made up mind, for you have been prepared for such a time as this. Be sure your lamps are trimmed, that you are filled with the Holy Ghost or you will be left behind. If you snooze, you lose, So, wake up!