After months of planning 🎤 🎧 🎬 ( or was it procrastination ) it's finally here The Him and Her Podcast Observations from the Beach
Sally and I will share with you real life, sometimes funny , sometimes serious, maybe even life changing , examples of what its like to work with your life partner as your business partner and how you can take this very powerful relationship to new heights, plus what we are doing week by week .
Working together is a very different relationship to living together. If you've never worked with your partner before you will only ever get one side of what they're actually like in a work environment, you would have never seen the other side .It can be very challenging 😊
The other thing that we have noticed is a lot of couples don't maximise having two people in their business. They tend to do things together therefore they only have one person actually working on the business. If you can divide and separate the roles that you do then you've got twice the amount of people in the business
Over the coming weeks we will give you an insight into how we work together and how we can help you as well in your business to maximise and get the most enjoyment out of working together .
When it works it truly is a very very rewarding and inspiring thing to do to work, to work with your life partner in business