Here's episode 23 of the podcast, where we let you peek your head round our classroom doors here at History At Our House!
In this class, the Lower Elementary students have started the Golden Age of Athens, a period which came in the peace following the Greek triumph over the invading Persian forces. The Lower Elementary class are introduced to one of the main industries of this time - Philosophy - and one of one of the main characters produced in that time, someone to whom we owe a great debt: Socrates. This is a man they class have actually already encountered in their History Through Art classes - in this famous piece by David - but now they get to spiral back, as we're found of doing here, approaching the same material but from a different angle, integrating different pieces of knowledge.
As students progress at History At Our House they don't just hear about Socrates. In fact, upon entering the High School level, they actually get the chance to study some of Socrates' writings!
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