In an alternate reality, on the brink of an unprecedented global revolution known as The Great Reset of 1974, our world stands poised to birth a digital library that encapsulates a singular, unquestionable truth. In this shifting landscape, veteran teacher John Herald grapples not only with the advent of this new order but also with a deeply personal struggle – a slipping memory that increasingly eludes his grasp.
Haunted by a past that intertwines with his present, John delves into the mystery surrounding his father's fatal accident during the Great War. Amid this turmoil, his son Mark champions the new era, working ardently for the Ministry of the Core Library, a cornerstone of the Great Reset, driving a rift between father and son.
As the countdown to the Reset ticks closer, the Heralds find themselves ensnared in a web of intrigue and deception that questions the nature of truth itself. Will John reconcile with his memory loss and navigate the discord with his son? Will the Heralds withstand the storm of The Great Reset, or be swept away by its powerful current?