Hello everyone! We are finally back after a two month hiatus due to school and other obligations. We are super excited to be back and this episode we go into detail on how the H.O hobby has been since the start of the pandemic and what events have been affected including an announcement about the 2020 HOPRA National Championships we talked about in Episode 2. We also go into depth on the Coronavirus Challenge held by Rusty Jackson, the H.O Invitational iRacing Series set up by Roger Porcelli, and the meeting held by COHORA and a sneak peek at our 2020 Summer Schedule. We also talk after about the Skinny Cup class and how they will drive on the track and the subject of armature winding. We hope to resume a consistent uploading schedule but school comes first for both of us. Thank you all for getting us to ONE THOUSAND total views as me and Adam really appreciate it.
Central Ohio HO Racing Association: https://www.facebook.com/groups/COHORA/
Watch the iRacing Invitational Series here, Thursday nights at 8 pm EST( Also can watch previous races): https://www.twitch.tv/nickpontmercy
Here are all of the sponsors to check out, and again thank you so much for all of the things they do for the hobby:
Hurricane Electric Motorsports Products: https://www.facebook.com/H.E.M.P.slots/
Viper Scale Racing: https://viperscaleracing.com/
Wizzard High Performance: https://wizzardho.com/
Harden Creek Slot Cars: https://hcslots.com/
BSRT: http://www.scaleauto.com/bsrt/
HOPRA: https://www.hopra.net/
RPMS: https://www.highrpms.net/
DG Designs: https://www.facebook.com/dgraboskidesigns/
H.O.S.T Racing Bodies: http://www.horacingbodies.com/
Marty Leslie (Great body painter!): https://www.facebook.com/marty.leslie.1
Slottrak: http://www.slottrak.com/