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Thank you for joining me in Hoda’s Musings, a podcast where I share tips that will help you and your career move in productive ways! I am Hoda, your host.
I am a Certified Professional Career Coach and the President and Founder of Right Career Fit, a career coaching practice that focuses on career education.
In this Season 3 Episode 7 we talk about reflecting on your knowledge.
Listen to the episode and start asking questions.
I strive to be a spokesperson for the importance of career education and continue to work with a variety of media to create awareness of its value such as this podcast.
I look forward to hearing insightful feedback from you, the audience. Let me know what you thought and share your tips.
You can read and comment on this episode of Hoda’s Musings on
Also, I am on a mission to have #careerliteracy trend across social media. If you care to join me, reach out for a chat on where you can also sign up for my newsletter to stay up to date on the latest episodes.
Remember to like, subscribe, share, and follow Right Career fit on social media.
I am your host Hoda, and until next time stay focused and keep moving in productive ways!