1a. “Hello, World” by Horace Heller
2a. “Shot Four Times” by Bill Carter
3a. “Poor White Trash” by Rudy Preston
4a. “Little Jimmy” by Larry Steel
5a. “Lost John” by Lonnie Glosson
6a. “The Fool” by Sanford Clark
7a. “The Jelly Coal Man” by Don Sargent
8B. Strike by Duke Mitchell & family
9b. White Lightnin n excess by Lum Hatcher
10b. I created a monster by Glenn Barber
11B. Dingaka (the witch doctor) by faron young
12b. El Camino Real by Lee Dresser
13B. The cat by Rod willis
14c. swamp gas by the space walkers
15c. whole lotta lovin by edna brown
16c. only cowgirl in town by glenn barr
17c. love is made of this by royce porter
18c. a red cadillac and a black mustache by bob luman
19c. lover boy by wally lewis
20 d. mule skinner blues by the fendermen