Holy Spirit You Channel Podcast is also on Spotify: podcast.holyspirityouchannel.com
Watch Your Words Book: watchyourwordsbook.holyspirityouchannel.com
Weapons Of Our Warfare Book: weaponsofwarfarebook.holyspirityouchannel.com
Stop Being Saul: The God Who Made You Can Also Sustain You
He Got Up, So We Bow Down
Podcast Is Free...But, Here's How You Can Support
The Overwhelming Goodness of Love (1 Corinthians 13)
MORE Blessed (Acts 20.35)
Adding Sin to Sin (Isaiah 30)
Sinners...Saved By Grace?
The Wisdom Series: Proverbs 1.1-7
The Wisdom Series: Psalm 111
The Wisdom Series: Job 28.12-28
The Wisdom Series: Where Wisdom Begins (2 Chronicles 1.7-12)
Revisiting The Cross: The Power of the Christ Exchange
Humility Will Take Us Higher...If We Let It
Why Our Propensity for Prophecy Is Putting Us In Peril
Prophecy...What's the Point?
Pimping Mercy and Prostituting Grace
In Search Of...Manifestations of Miracles
Choose Ye This Day (The True Meaning of Joshua 24.15)
and more here... podcast.holyspirityouchannel.com