In Episode 21 Cam and Stephanie ask What’s Love Got To Do With It? No it’s not the song by Tina Turner, the “it” in the question is conflict. So what does love have to do with conflict? It seems like the two are so opposite that they would have nothing in common.
When conflict comes we can tend to believe it is the end of the relationship but it can actually be the deepening of a relationship if it is done in the right kind of love. Too often love fails because we have been taught a common love.
In the conversation that Jesus has with Peter in John 21 Stephanie breaks down for us the 3 different kinds of love that is found in the original language of scripture. We go on to discuss which of these types of love is needed to not take offense so that conflict is resolved not ignited by emotion.
If we have common love for each other then what happens when the thing we have in common is gone? We then need to grow in the “best interest” love which will deepen the relationship and give the other person the benefit of the doubt. This happens in marriages when just getting married and having kids is the common interest. So when the kids are grown and moved out the husband and wife feel estranged if they have not moved from the common interest love to the deeper love in their relationship.
Stephanie issues a challenge and we would like to hear from you about it.
We also want to remind you that there is so much more to our Broken Branches Series and if you and a small group want to go through it then contact us to find out more.
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