Welcome to Episode 85 of Home Automation Nation!
Reuniting lost loves Google and Nest, Megan has her birthday wish come true, and more hubs that control them all. Plus, a little bit about what’s next for us at Home Automation Nation.
Episode Articles & Links:
* Where are people really getting their smart home devices? (Home Theater Review)
* Google & Nest, together again? (TheVerge)
* Google Home: making your smart devices play nice together (EnGadget)
* Apple fixes a HomeKit bug (TheVerge)
* Hilton Hotels plays with smart home comforts (TheVerge)
* Who is actually buying smart home devices? Survey says… (CEPro)
* Jim Beam delivers a smart home gadget after Megan’s own heart (JimBeam)
* Comcast’s new smart home router/hub, the answer to our smart home prayers? (BusinessInsider)
* Sonos & Ikea, smart home odd couple…or genius speaker invention? (Variety)
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