This episode brings you one of the short stories int the series The Adventures of Fire and Ice.
Fire and Ice are two gender-less aspects of Source Energy. They meet and become instant friends to help themselves and each other find the Ultimate Truth. The stores take place in many dimensions and share the perspective of two friends that are curious, helpful and playful. They find a way to enjoy their mission, given to them by the Source flame that created Fire and the Source rain that created Ice.
Share this story with your friends. Send messages about what you want Fire and Ice to do on an adventure and tell me what you learned.
Connect with me in YouTube to see the video of this story being told.
For more messages of encouragement and random bits of the life of another person that is not fancy but crafty in how they view the world.
Please share this episode so that more people can listen and learn. Working together we can make the world a better place, reprogram our prior programming and get to jamming on a path that is more fun, more free and less stressful when life hands you a curve ball.
We all have our strengths and weaknesses.
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Are you tired of feeling the stress, pain and frustration of your daily life?
Do you cry at night thinking about your past?
Do you feel that you have lost hope for the future?
I know those feelings. I have been there too. There is hope to laugh and play again. There is a way out of the dark place you have been in.
If you’re committed to creating a life that you love, we need to talk. I am looking to help you. Your first call is free and can show you a light at the end of the tunnel and if we can work together I’ll let you know. The most important thing is you getting out of the dark place you’re in and into a space where you can feel free.
Book your call today.