I’m joined by Mavis Tsai, PhD to discuss (and demonstrate) the international non-profit group she started to help humans reconnect. Awareness Courage and Love groups offer a place for people experience connection and vulnerability, in a safe and supported way. Please visit https://www.livewithacl.org/ to find a group (several online options).
Here are the questions/prompts that we wade in during our demonstration:
1. What are your biggest struggles currently that you need to express and hold with tenderness? What do you need
your partner to understand compassionately about what you are feeling?
2. What helps you feel cared about?
3. What are you grateful for?
4. Are there ways you can be healthier—physically and emotionally? What habit do you want to change or to instill?
5. What do you appreciate about your partner?
Partner sharing. [Do a brief demonstration with your co-leader or dyad who is willing to model this sequence]
1) Decide who will go speak first (e.g., Person A and Person B).’
2) Person A takes ~1 minute to respond to Question #1 vulnerably and open-heartedlly. Person B listens with
validation, warmth and compassion—listening deeply with no judgment and no advice-giving.
3) Person B responds to Question 1, and Person A listens.
4) Continue taking turns answering the rest of the questions (~1 minute or less for each question).
5) Take a minute to say to each other what you appreciated about this interaction.
For more information on Functional Analytic Psychotherapy go to: https://functionalanalyticpsychotherapy.com/