About Our MinistryOn March 25, 1973, Dr. Jeannette C. Holmes-Vann repented and accepted Christ as her personal Lord and Savior, and subsequently received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It was evident that the call of God was upon her life as she shared the love of Christ and her anointed testimony. As she continued to share fervently this Good news of the Gospel, many like her were won over to the same faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thus, Hope Chapel Ministries was born.The ministry, which was initially referred to as Unity, Prayer, Bible, and Mission Outreach, started in the basement of her home and continued there for approximately 5 years before moving into the garage. As the ministry continued to show tremendous growth, it was necessary to use various community centers for specific events. Our first building was erected in 1981. It is now referred to as our Fellowship Hall. Today the ministry has expanded to multi-million dollar facilities that include a Children's Church, Sanctuary, renovated Fellowship Hall, a private non-chartered Christian School, and a full-service Sports multi-plex facility.
For more information about the ministry, visit us on the web at www.hopechapelministries.org.