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By Miguel Gonçalves
The podcast currently has 18 episodes available.
Portugueses trabalham mais horas do que média dos países da OCDE
Greta Thunberg
Flipboard – Plataforma agregadora de notícias e redes sociais
Crianças portuguesas passam mais 10 horas semanais em creches do que a média europeia
The World is Flat, Thomas L. Friedman
Ivity Beliefs, Ivity Brand Corp
Portugal sou eu
Comendador Rui Nabeiro é o rosto da nova campanha da Delta
Associação Portugal Genial
Measure What Matters, John E. Doerr
Relatório OCDE (Better Life Index) sobre Portugal
Gap Year Portugal
How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie
7 habits of highly effective people, Stephen R. Covey
Essentialism, Greg McKeown
The 4-Hour Work Week, Tim Ferriss
What’s your story?, Craig Wortmann
The code of the extraordinary mind, Vishen Lakhiani, CEO da Mindvalley
The podcast currently has 18 episodes available.