Sketches that are still good, I think, but are so obviously dated that we can’t disguise it. They come from as far back as the show’s first year in 2012. Scott Walker’s recall election. The 2014 presidential election. Some asinine thing Justin Bieber said, like, six years ago. And a whole bunch of other crap you’ve completely forgotten about. And we’ve got plenty more. This will not be the last one of these shows we do.
Sketches that are still good, I think, but are so obviously dated that we can’t disguise it. They come from as far back as the show’s first year in 2012. Scott Walker’s recall election. The 2014 presidential election. Some asinine thing Justin Bieber said, like, six years ago. And a whole bunch of other crap you’ve completely forgotten about. And we’ve got plenty more. This will not be the last one of these shows we do.