After concluding a fulfilling 30-year career in nursing in 2006, she and her husband, Steve, embarked on an adventurous journey beyond the borders of the USA, landing in the picturesque landscapes of Costa Rica. There, they undertook a remarkable transformation of a 26-acre dairy farm, which eventually blossomed into a beloved retreat center nestled at the foothills of the majestic Arenal Volcano.
In 2020, they passed on the stewardship of the retreat center to new owners and have settled back in Virginia, where she offers private equine-supported retreats and coaching at home and abroad.
She's facilitated transformative retreats since 2007 in Denmark, Costa Rica, the USA, Chile, Portugal, and Canada, continually striving to impart wisdom and inspire positive change while forging meaningful connections with hundreds of individuals and nurturing profound bonds with soulful horses.
Her passion for teaching has driven her to share insights and experiences at numerous conferences, wearing the hats of both a registered nurse and an equine practitioner. She has co-instructed the Eponaquest apprenticeship program across various corners of the world, including New Zealand, Australia, the USA, and Costa Rica.
Her book, Pony's Girl Parables, follows the journey of a teenage girl who seeks to understand her spiritual self. When Girl turns thirteen, she gets a pony and begins to feel her connection to everything. Over the course of Girl’s teenage years, she travels with Pony through the In-Between to the magical place called the Merkabah World. It’s in this vibrant, colorful world that different spiritual guides teach her valuable lessons that enable her to become the best version of herself.
Transformational Coaching - Eponicity