In the first-ever episode of Hot-Blooded Podcast to not feature a musician, Satanic professor and sex therapist Dr. Eric Sprankle joins the show to discuss the many connections between heavy music and sexual health, including the importance of consent and communication, learning to be a good sexual partner, getting married on Halloween in a cemetery, what to do when your favorite musicians get outed as abusers, the time Tucker Carlson found out about his work, and much more.
Host / Writer / Producer: Cat Jones
Editor / Co-Producer: Evan Dulaney
Theme Song: Jordan Olds
Logo: Corey Largent (Instagram: @insaneclampasta)
Additional Graphics: Jonathan Amaya
iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, SoundCloud and other links can be found here:
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Follow Cat Jones on social media:
Instagram: @catjooones
Twitter: @catjonessoda
Follow Evan's band, TREASVRE:
Instagram: @treasvremusic
Twitter: @TREASVREmusic