How can God be good if there is evil? We ask guest, Jackson Downey, to discuss his thoughts on the matter. Join us as we search scripture for the answer to this question.
Instagram & Twitter: @shallwelivepod
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s Faust
Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s The Brother’s Karamazov (Specifically The Grand Inquisitor)
Stephen Hawking : Theoretical Physicist
Thomas Robert Malthus : Mathmetician
Margaret Mead : Cultural Anthropologist
00:01:45 Guest Introduction: Jackson Downey
00:11:40 Context for discussion God’s goodness and man’s evil.
00:21:10 Implications of the question.
00:24:50 All beliefs require faith.
00:26:30 Is it an Emotional Response? Or a logical question?
00:38:00 Altruism vs Determinism
00:53:00 Free Will
01:01:00 Moral Error (Who can say what God will do)
01:06:00 Natural Disasters