Hearing your higher self aka your soul and learning to listen to this part of yourself is one of the most spiritually un-eff-withable, empowering, life changing things you can do in this world. When you have a strong and clear self-connection, not only do you know what is going to be best for you, you are also able to keep yourself safe and on your highest harmonic life path.
Your soul, aka your higher self, is the part of you that is
the most-pure and that will always have your back. Your soul aka your higher-self exists within your human body down here on Earth. You also exists outside of you! Whether you know it or not, you are multi-dimensional. You travel the astral planes. You may even be existing in different reality spectrums at any given time. Part of what
your higher self, aka your soul, does is helps you figure out all of your dynamic parts.
One of the goals of spiritual development is to learn how to unify all of your parts so that you are able to empower yourself in any place that you live, extract yourself from anything that you don't want to be part of and be that highest harmonic healed version of yourself where you
are pure, clear and living a life that you are proud of and happy about.
What happens when you do not learn to hear your soul and defer to the 'outside'?
Well, my friends. This is where we sometimes get effed with. Do you work with guides and have life crashes often? You may want to listen to the second part of this podcast specifically.
Today, we talk about the power of learning to hear
your higher self. We also take a small step into the dark side of spirituality to talk about what happens when we do not.
You are powerful, clear and strong! Learn to tap into this part of yourself:
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