Tuesday's with Coach Mo

How to Gain A Career Edge by Mastering Your Time-Management

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For high achievers with executive ambitions, it is an unwritten rule for your success to have a dual focus on managing your performance and your relationships at the same time. Your success directly correlates with the mastery of your time management.

Executive Coach Monique Betty, ‘Coach Mo’, is joined by management consultant and author, Francis Wade. Author of Perfect Time-Based Management, How to Rescue Your Peace of Mind as Time Demands Increase.

Connect with Monique Betty-

LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/moniquebetty1

Website – www.tuesdayswithcoachmo.com

Connect with Francis Wade–

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/franciswade/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/fwade

Coach Mo Knows (a tip, a coaching question, and a bit of inspiration)


Take Francis' assessment: mytimedesign.com/assessment/

Based on what he has identified as the 11 Fundamentals required for effectively managing your time, you can take the assessment to examine and rate your current skills.

Grab a copy of his book: Perfect Time-Based Management - https://amzn.to/3IEpbTb

Coaching Question:


For the next 48 hours track your hour-to-hour activities.

Question: What is your greatest area for improvement in your time management efforts? (stop responding to in-the-moment requests, change how you plan your work, modify your email habits, social media habits, etc)



Time is really the only capital that any human being has, and the only thing he can't afford to lose. ~Thomas Edison



VIDEO: Tools for Maximizing Your Success – Carla Harris, Vice-Chairman & Managing Director, Morgan Stanley: https://youtu.be/yflSZODY6YU

Eisenhower Matrix: https://todoist.com/productivity-methods/eisenhower-matrix

Pomodoro Technique: https://lifehacker.com/productivity-101-a-primer-to-the-pomodoro-technique-1598992730

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Tuesday's with Coach MoBy Monique Betty

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