Shaun Moon is the VP of Product, Canvas at Instructure. He is a very creative thinker and my favorite part of this episode is his suggestion for how anyone can gather product management experience.
Shaun has the respect of many a product manager who's worked with him. I worked at the same company as he did for a few months, but didn't get the opportunity to work on any projects with him. Despite that lost opportunity, every time I get to chat with him he demonstrates his unique, thoughtful and creative perspective on the world.
Stay tuned till the end for a dramatic reading of "McSweeny's Internet Tendency, Short Imagined Monologues, I'm Comic Sans, A$$hole", ready by Mr. Shaun Moon.
Notes on Sound Quality:
Shaun didn't have a cool kid podcast mic and we were were doing this over the interwebs. His part of the conversation can be a little hard to hear from time to time, but he has some great advice, so it's worth it. If you're a Judgey McJudegerton audiophile, please leave your judgements at the door.