Thought For Food Podcast

How To Travel on a Plant-Based Diet

08.17.2017 - By Jackson Long and Aaron StuberPlay

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Traveling is one of the greatest gifts of life. Exploring different places, cultures, and foods is something both of us are extremely passionate about. But how do you do it if you're plant-based? Many people don't believe it's possible to both eat a vegan diet and travel around the world. Well, folks, in 2017, the times they are a changin'. With so many plant-based options from grocery stores to restaurants around the globe, it's now easier than ever. Jackson recently returned from a 6 week long trip in Europe, which included an epic cycling portion that tested his plant-based requirements, and has been to Thailand as a vegan. Aaron has traveled all over the world, including Turkey and South America.

In this episode, we give our best tips and advice for eating plant-based abroad. We cover topics like the best technology applications to use, how to book accommodations, and what foods to look for as staples. We also zoom out and talk philosophically for a bit, discussing how we believe you shouldn't limit the experience of traveling because of fear of losing control of your diet. The focus should be doing the absolute best you can when it comes to remaining plant-based, but that nobody is perfect. Let us know - what are your best tips for surviving as a plant eater while traveling the world? What advice would you give? Send us an email at [email protected].

Survey time! Please consider leaving your thoughts and constructive criticisms on our podcast survey by clicking so that we can improve and refine TFF. We are leaving it open for another week, so get in your response! You'll also be entered to win a special care package from us!

We were also recently guests on two podcasts: How To Health and Plant Yourself. We definitely recommend going and listening to those interviews for a different taste of TFF on the other side of the microphone!

That's it from us. Enjoy the show!

-Jackson and Aaron

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