Shadows are those things about yourself that you know , you are in touch with and you don’t like and you are afraid that people will find these about you. All of us have them.
We live with the law of duality, which states that everything is on a continuum and has a complementary opposite within the whole.
Masculine and Feminine - are two energies in the same body.
Light and Dark, Day and Night; these are the same things on opposite spectrums
Honoring our shadows honors our dual nature.
When we keep our shadows in the dark, we always look at them as something outside of us. Something that we have to “work on”
If you don’t know who you are and claim it, you will consistently look to others for permission to be who you think you might be or desire to be. You’ll always be caught in that loop of approval.
However If you know who you are with conviction then no one can define your worth or bring you down or say what’s possible for you or not
When you own your shadows and bring them to light, you can truly see them as a part of you rather than outside of you.
In this episode, you’ll learn how you can bring your shadows to light and make them a part of you.
Download ‘Honor Your Shadow’’ meditation here -
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