HR Anonymous is back! I talk about my own very recent experience of sexism and lack of psychological safety at work. Why the lack of appetite for challenge? Why is any disagreement viewed as dissent and not up for debate? I discuss a couple of other posts on sexism that came to my attention this week - are women the ones with targets on their back, and are we still seeing casual sexism? Do women still have to achieve professional perfection whilst men are allowed to be their authentic selves and have personality, strengths and weaknesses? Why wasn't I allowed to make a joke to illustrate a point? Whilst a male colleague who, equipped with vape, would freely swear on calls and espoused anti-semitic views. As I was very mad on this episode I don't think that I was as articulate as I could have been! But have a listen and see what you think!
PS: I'm not recording one piece of this underwater, I was reading from an article and must have turned away from the mic ;)