How many tenth graders get to talk with students their age in other countries as part of their school projects? In three different projects I have codesigned with other teachers at High Tech High, a project-based high school in San Diego, our students have collaborated with students in five different Latin American countries in three semester-long projects (Amigos en las Americas, Proyecto ComUNIDAD, and Project PODER). Is it logistically and technologically complicated? Yes. Is it awkward and confusing at first? Absolutely. Is it worth the sweat and time and complexity? Without a doubt. In this episode, I will reflect on why it's worth bringing students together from across the world to connect, to research and learn together, and to share the many common and distinct aspects of their lives. This episode was created in anticipation of the Fall 2020 Project, Monumentos, in partnership with Dunalastair Schools in Santiago, Chile. Our student podcast can be found on Instagram TV at