===== 华人在海外常使用的语言而编成的 -《光明之言》、《普罗大众的好消息》、《福音之声》 / "Words of Light, "Good News for All People", "Sounds of Gospel" - (Edited with languages spoken by "Chinese Oversea") ====

===== 华人在海外常使用的语言而编成的 -《光明之言》、《普罗大众的好消息》、《福音之声》 / "Words of Light, "Good News for All People", "Sounds of Gospel" - (Edited with languages spoken by "Chinese Oversea") ====

By Tze-John Liu

华人在海外常使用的语言而编成的-"生命的话语". "好消息", "福音歌"//
(普通话, 广东话, 客家, 潮州话, 闽南话, 福建话, 莆仙(莆田)话, 闽北话, 福州话, 云南话,  海南话, 温州话, 上海话(吴语), 白苗话, 黑苗话, 蓝苗话, 景颇(克欽)话, 瑤族话, 壮族话,  回族话, 维吾尔话, 西藏话, 西藏康巴话)
"Words of Life", "... more

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===== 华人在海外常使用的语言而编成的 -《光明之言》、《普罗大众的好消息》、《福音之声》 / "Words of Light, "Good News for All People", "Sounds of Gospel" - (Edited with languages spoken by "Chinese Oversea") ==== episodes:

FAQs about ===== 华人在海外常使用的语言而编成的 -《光明之言》、《普罗大众的好消息》、《福音之声》 / "Words of Light, "Good News for All People", "Sounds of Gospel" - (Edited with languages spoken by "Chinese Oversea") ====:

How many episodes does ===== 华人在海外常使用的语言而编成的 -《光明之言》、《普罗大众的好消息》、《福音之声》 / "Words of Light, "Good News for All People", "Sounds of Gospel" - (Edited with languages spoken by "Chinese Oversea") ==== have?

The podcast currently has 116 episodes available.