Publishing your human-robot interaction study in a journal is an excellent way to share your insights. But in which journal should you publish and what do the journals expect? In this episode, we talk to editors from the three dedicated HRI journals, Agnieszka Wykowska (International Journal of Social Robotics), Selma Sabanovic (ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction) and Bilge Mutlu (Frontiers in Robotics and AI | Human-Robot Interaction). We talk about Open Access publishing and what the future of scientific publishing might look like. Besides the three dedicated journals, there are also some journals that encourage HRI topics without focusing completely on them. I talked with Kerstin Dautenhahn from the Interaction Studies journal and Ramanarayan Vasudevan from the IEEE Transactions on Robotics.
The transcript of the episode is available as a PDF. You can also follow the episode with subtitles through Descript.
Here is a table with all the key indicators for the journals. The full table is available online.
NameIEEE TROIJO Social RoboticsInteraction StudiesFrontiers in Robotics and AI HRIACM THRI
PublisherIEEESpringerJohn BenjaminsFrontiersACM
Founded in19852009200420182012
Acceptance rate20364867
Average papers are published per year183113222252
Average number of revisions for accepted papers2.5222
Average number of reviewers per submitted paper322.533
Number of associate editors7253271144
Average duration of peer review9023125123107
Peer review typeSingle blindSingle blindSingle blindSingle blindSingle blind
Average duration publishing process60310147270
Listed in ScopusYesYesYesYesYes
Publications quartile in Scopusnot availableQ1Q1Q2not available
Listed on Web of ScienceYesYesYesYesNo
Impact Factor7.
Ppen access optionYes (optional)Yes (optional)Yes (optional)Yes (required)Yes (required)
Article Publication Fee2345369019272125$0 required, $1300 optional
Pre-publication allowedYesYesYesYesYes
ISSN 2703-4054
Important Links:
Flaky Conferences and Journals in Human-Robot Interaction